Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • The enrolment fee and any administration fees are non-refundable, except in the case that the Company is not able to offer you a place on a course.
  • Other fees are not refundable if you shorten, postpone or cancel your course, except in exceptional cases at the discretion of the Company directors who will give your situation their careful and fair judgement and respond within 7 days. In these exceptional cases, you may receive a full or partial refund. If a refund is due, you will receive this within 14 days of the Company directors' decision. You will lose your deposit and enrolment fee if you cancel your course less than two weeks before the course start date.
  • Group bookings are subject to different cancellation terms, please contact the Company.
  • If you book your course online, by email or by phone and then change your mind, you are entitled to a 14-day Cancellation Period. In this case, we must receive your cancellation in writing, within the Cancellation Period. If your course starts within 14 days of booking your course online, you must tell us, in writing, that you do want to take the course. In this case, if you later change your mind and want to cancel, we will charge you for the services you have already taken and deduct this from the refund payable. We will refund you within 14 days of receiving written confirmation that you want to cancel.